Sitting in bed eating Haribo gold bears trying to stuff my face and blog at the same time. Not working so wel.
Anyway, today we went to Winchester. Ofcourse on a Sunday there isnt many shops open, so there was a markt! We got there and were so happy to see a market. We stood there with our eyes wide open. Cheap things under tents in an old city. Our name was written all over this. All the villagers had their tents set up in the narrow cobble stone streets. With their hand crafted or antiques stalled under them. We walked past peering into them looking for good deals. We found some of course but I am not telling you guys what your present are. That wouldn't be cool.
At the end of the stalls there was a little treat for us. We had music being played by a handsome young fellow, and the smell of Cornish pastries following into our bodies. Of course we couldn't resist and had to get some. Oh my these were pastries filled with stewed potatoes and beef. Topped up with just the right spices, and a perfect balance between savory and sweet. I wish I could send a container home. Home made goodness you can't find anywhere else then in Winchester. (Did I really just write a whole paragraph about a pastry?)
We had to walk on because Jon had told us that there was a really old cathedral just off the left side into a narrow passage. Ofcourse we got lost. Then had to ask our way to it. We found it and ate our pastry with the view of the beautiful brick walls with long stained glass windows that made up the cathedral. We walked in thr church and our mouth s dropped to the floor. We were standing in the middle of the church looking back at least 60 rows of seats. With a huge platform at the end moulded by a massive wooden carved chapel back drop. The detail that was carved could even be seen. We decided to pick up our jaws again and walk around the church. We saw a lot of memorabilia for people that had been burried in the church, and I mean literally in the church. The floor was made of cobble stones of course but there were massive slabs of black stones carved and they were fit in the floor. The casket with these people were under there. Reading the names we found Jane Austen the famour writer of pride and prejudice. She died at age 41 and the plaque on the wall from her era didnt even mention that she was a writer csuse woman weren't suppose to have any status back then. A very nice lady explained all of this to us. She also went to her house half an hour from there, and loved it. We walked around and around the cathedral and took way to many pictures and touched way to many sculptures.
On the out of the cathedral there was a real farmers market. We bought delicious farm fresh 5 grain bread baked this morning. The whole car smelled like it on the ride back.
I think that's enough about my day. Night night dont let the bed bugs bite.
Love love love Westminster Abbey! Miss your face angelcakes! <3